I’m an 18 year old Indian and I want to invest in share market or equity mutual funds. How much money is needed for investments? How do I get started?

Best way to invest in the stock market is to either invest through SIP(systematic investment plan) or invest when the markets are down. It’s not easy to find the bottom of the market. So it is advisable to follow the route of SIP while investing in mutual  funds. For the salaried class people, investment in … Continue reading I’m an 18 year old Indian and I want to invest in share market or equity mutual funds. How much money is needed for investments? How do I get started?

Am I Financially Ready To Bear The Cost Of Upbringing Children?

Well friends, most of the times it’s an emotional decision for a couple to start a family but rarely we take stock of our finances before we actually take a plunge. Now lets try and understand the quantum of money required to be saved and invested to meet financial goals associated with upbringing of children. … Continue reading Am I Financially Ready To Bear The Cost Of Upbringing Children?

Consolidate Investments Through Comprehensive Financial Planning

Most of us have been investing in different asset classes over a period of time, using different platforms, some manual, some online and now it’s becoming difficult to monitor all of these. To add to the irony, we have no clue why did we make these investments and what was our investment goal(s). We tend to … Continue reading Consolidate Investments Through Comprehensive Financial Planning

Classification and Investment Portfolio of Debt Mutual Funds

As we all understand debt mutual funds are ideal investment options for short term investments. Their risks are much lower than equity or equity oriented funds, they have the potential to generate superior returns compared to traditional fixed income products and they enjoy a significant tax advantage over bank savings and Fixed Deposits. But how many of us know … Continue reading Classification and Investment Portfolio of Debt Mutual Funds

Highlights Of Interaction With Armed Forces Officers

During last two weeks or so, I had the privilege to visit and interact with Armed Forces Officers at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade(IIFT), New Delhi, Meerut, Pannagarh and Mumbai (Kalina) Military Garrisons. During the course of my presentation and subsequent interaction with Officers, I realized that the concept of Personal Financial Planning is not clear … Continue reading Highlights Of Interaction With Armed Forces Officers

Why Should We Continue With Our SIPs In Volatile Or Lower Markets?

Legendary investor, Warren Buffett has often suggested that discipline is one of the most important attributes of successful investors. While investing behavior of most investors is influenced by greed and fear, successful investors do not allow greed and fear to override discipline. Discipline versus greed and fear distinguishes investors from speculators. Speculators make their investment … Continue reading Why Should We Continue With Our SIPs In Volatile Or Lower Markets?