Most of us have been investing in different asset classes over a period of time, using different platforms, some manual, some online and now it’s becoming difficult to monitor all of these. To add to the irony, we have no clue why did we make these investments and what was our investment goal(s). We tend to invest just like that because we have surplus money and  lot of recommendations are floating around  in media(TV/print/social).

Most of the time we will find that these investments have some how been forced upon us by relationship managers/ wealth management teams from banks, insurance agents and people from various commercial websites. At times we ourselves go ahead and make investments just to oblige our Bankers or friends/known people.


  • All the investments are scattered and not available on a single platform
  • Difficult to keep track of all these investments and monitor their performance
  • In the name of diversification, investments in far too many mutual fund schemes
  • Investments done which are not in tune with our risk profile and do not contribute towards our short and long term financial goals

So what is the way out ? Answer lies in a  comprehensive financial planning. 

Comprehensive Financial Planning

A financial plan is a road map to help us define our financial life goals and provides an integrated and logical approach to achieve these goals(e.g children’s education, their marriage, foreign vacations  etc )

Comprehensive Financial Planning involves :

  • Detailed review and analysis of all the facets of our present financial situation. This  includes areas such as cash flow management, risk management, investment management, insurance planning and tax management.
  • Discussion, understanding and prioritization of short and long term financial goals.
  • The development of a plan including linking of all existing investments and additional financial products needed to take us from where we are today to where we need to be in future to meet our desired financial goals.

Advantages of having a Financial Plan

  • Optimizes surplus cash flow which can be utilized towards fresh investments in consonance with risk profile of an individual, towards meeting financial goals.
  • Evaluates, assess and consolidates all existing investments for their performance and link these with financial goals. Non performing assets can be liquidated.
  • It provides real time tracking of all investments on a single platform and updates the progress of achieving designated goals.
  • Ensures continuation with investments during market volatility and avoids unwanted redemption  to fulfill insignificant desire(s). 
  • Provides total peace of mind by reducing financial stress.

“ If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present  actions ”

                                                                                  A Chinese Proverb

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